Losing the weight!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Phase 1 Day 8 W -248.3 L BIG FAT ZERO

Well what did I do i jinxed myself I said that things would slow down and they did but they didnt just slow they stopped!  Dang it!  Well I think that eating the veggies together (two days ago) may have had something to do with it I usually dont see the negatives of my cheating till 2 days after the deed is done.  So what to do know refocus pull from my inner strength and remember the skinny me I am doing this for! 

I have some more reading that I need to do with Dr Simmions I am forgetting some of the cans and cants I am not using lotions or make up, I really never wear make up but I am using lilash and am not sure if I should hold off on it or keep on with it (because I now have beautiful long lashes without mascara) - Any thoughts on this?

Lets lose the weight together, Skinny Feels Good!!!
W - 248.3 TLTD - 11.7


  1. I don't know that I've ever heard anything specifically about Lilash. Is it oil-based? that seems to be the big issue.

  2. I dont know but I stopped using it...I was a bit sad but its only for a few weeks. Better to lose :)
