Losing the weight!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Phase 1 Day 7 W 248.3 - L 1.5

Today marks the 7th day of my diet I seriously can not believe in one week I am down 11.7 pounds :) I know that things are going to slow down after this week tho and that has me a bit nervous.  When the weight takes longer to fall off I get anxious that I will be on this diet forever and it makes me want to eat...again not a healthy relationship with food.  I think having these meals for me to eat will help a ton this round.  So I dont anticipate it being to rough just yet.

Question anyone ever had Sprite Zero on hcg? Side effects?

Anyway one of my fellow hcg bloggers had a bost about just what 10 pounds feels and looks like it was a great visual. Check it out HERE.  For me its the thought of my 15pound little girl that I have to lose 6 of her was a motivator!

I am still feeling pretty good I have had a few moments where I seem more tiered then usual I am going to go in today and get my weight checked at my Dr office as well as my B12, B6 shot. 

Lets lose the weight! Skinny Feels Good!!!
W 248.3 - TLTD 11.7lbs


  1. Taking my multivitamin in the morning has really helped me feel energetic and ready to take on the day. And the coffee I've gotten back into drinking.

    Today I'm munching on a giant cup of ice because i need something to gnaw while sitting at my desk at work. I have no idea how many servings of water I'm injesting, but it's way more fun than just drinking more and more water!

    I'm hoping to do visuals at every 10 lb interval. The things that weight 20 lbs are CRAZY!

    1. I seriously am thinking about getting sonic ice and doing this too...maybe even adding a little stevia and lemon IDK LOL sometimes its like I feel like I am board what should I do? Good idea on the ice. :)
